It’s happening. There is no denying it. 2024 will go down in history as the start of the AI + Robots revolution that wrapped up pushing the middle class to poverty and everybody below the middle to the curb.
We know. That sucks. We agree. Maybe it’ll be good. And maybe serfdom was good. And maybe the industrial revolution was good. Wait. Good for whom?
Think we’re crazy? Here’s some context. If you have the time, watch the whole thing. Fascinating and informative. Be sure to listen for the subtext.
Fight now. Resist now. Or forever be a robots bitch. At the very least, let them know you care.
Of course, it’s not all bad. There are good uses for AI. There are good uses for robots.
A good use is to empower individual works to be more productive. Another good use is to keep humans safe from dangerous work better done by machines.
Is this what we’re doing with AI and Robots? In some cases yes. In most – I’m not so sure.
TODO: Insert alien dreadnought video
As long as the profit motive is the chief driver of this technology. As long as investors see ways of getting rid of what they are now, in the backrooms, calling “the human tax”, it isn’t going to be good for 99.9% of us.